Thursday, August 19, 2010

Radical Science

Who is this man and why should you care?

He's Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.  Genetic tests have shown that he has a mutation in his LRRK2 gene and is at increased risk for Parkinson's disease.  He's donated over $50 million dollars to Parkinson's research and he wants to do the research differently and faster.  According to this article in Wired, he "is proposing to bypass centuries of scientific epistemology in favor of a more Googley kind of science. He wants to collect data first, then hypothesize, and then find the patterns that lead to answers. And he has the money and the algorithms to do it."
Read the article and see the demo here.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Medline Plus Redesign

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients. The website has recently been redesigned to be more user friendly and more easily searchable.  Major categories are Health Topics, Drugs & Supplements, and Videos/Cool Tools.  Cool Tools includes interactive tutorials, and surgery and anatomy videos.  A mobile version and an RSS feed are also available. Check out the new version!