Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Swilley Library wants your input on chemistry books

Here is a list of topics for which I am going to order updated materials as I have funds available. Please review the following and post comments.

1. Let me know what you think of these titles. Here are books under consideration. Please comment on what you think should be the highest priority titles.

2. Areas of the collection that need updating. Please comment on additional areas.
analytical chemistry instrumental methods and analysis
analytical methods ion exchange
biochemical analysis liquid chromatography
chemical bonds liquid state chemistry
chemical instrumentation nmr
chemical kinetics nuclear chemistry
chemical physics opitical rotary dispersion
chemistry organic chemistry advanced
chromatography handbook organic chemistry foundations
environmental chemistry organic spectroscopy
fluorescence and phosphorescence analysis physical chemistry
gas chromatography polymer chemistry
gas electrophoresis polymers
general chemistry quantitative analysis
hplc separation methods
infrared spectroscopy steroids
inorganic chemistry advanced thermodynamics
inorganic chemistry foundations validation of the measurement process


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the following types of chemistry books would be most usefull.

Physical Chemistry, polymer chemistry, Validation of the measurement process.